Saturday 17 March 2012

9 Most Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

Internet marketing is the most effective method of promoting your product or service. As internet is accessed by a majority of people all around the world, the company is viable to get more visibility than any other marketing technique. Internet marketing can increase your customers, enhance brand visibility provides a platform to interact with consumers.

If you are new to this technique, here are the top 10 marketing strategies which can enhance your brand visibility on this global forum-
  • Formulate a web promotion plan. Develop an attractive web design and a development strategy. Register with AdSence or AdWords to promote your product through online advertisements. These pay-per-click advertising methods not only create awareness about the product but also generate revenue. Analyze the current market scenario and make the strategy accordingly. Also make sure that you have an alternate plan ready in case the first plan fails to work.
  • Improve your website ranking in major search engines like Google and Yahoo! In order to achieve this, optimize your website to comply with the search engine algorithm. Increase the number of keywords and add new ones. Study the consumer needs and provide them with latest offerings from the company. Also keep a check on competitors in the same field.
  • Make use of email marketing. Target a specific group of consumers and communicate with them. If your company is new and yet to establish, this will help is creating awareness among the consumers. Set-up auto-responders on email, to communicate with customers.
  • Get a free website analysis from an internet marketing consultant. The consultant can tell you the short-comings of your website and ways to increase traffic to the website. Internet marketing consultants also help in creating a proper marketing policy.
  • Run an online contest. This will keep the consumers hooked on to the company. Give free gifts to customers on purchase of products. Sms contests also helps in generating revenue from mobile network companies.
  • Publish articles about your company and products. Blogs, company pages and communities are a good platform which can bridge the gap between the company and consumers. Latest news about the company and notifications of product launches can be done on official pages.
  • Promote your press releases. If you have a product launch, make sure you promote the event and gain attention. Write and publish articles related to the product before its release to create eagerness among the audience.
  • Promote your products on a local level. Advertisements targeting a smaller area are more effective. Develop free listing on Yahoo! Local, Bing Local Listing Center, etc. Though this does not have the potential to generate revenue online, it can still improve your contacts and increase the number of customers. You can also submit your site to a trade organization site and specialized directory.
  • Include your URL on brochures, business cards and stationary. See to it that, anything associated with your company has the URL printed on it. You can also mention the Facebook page and twitter handle along.


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